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can someone plz name the sexual positions of all the characters like who tops and who’s bottoms or vers plz and thx u


The dev said that all male characters will have verse scenes but do have preferences and will sometimes lean more into particular positions. I don't think any preferences have been clearly stated yet but I do think Prof. Rojas leans verse-top.

Thank you for replying! As Jeffrey said, all the male characters are verse but some of them prefer a position more than the other! That basically means that Prof. Rojas for example will usually be on the top, but there will also be some scenes in which the player will get the option to top him instead. I hope it makes sense! Sorry for the late reply, I've somehow missed it.

thx u for the information 

If we buy the 0,5 version for 13€, we will able to buy the new version when it goes update? Or is only for that specific one you bought?


It's a one-time buy for all future updates! It's intended for people that can't support the Patreon on a monthly basis. I'm still working with support to make sure everything works as intended :)

ohh fantastic, there is another way to pay that is not PayPal?

I made the necessary adjustments to allow card payments! You can now pay with your card. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

perfect, thanks!!! <3

I guess, we will receive also a steam key when the game is out? 

Yes! The Steam key will be sent once the game is released there :)

 Will V. 0.4.8 ever be released publicly? 


Yes it will, very soon!

Will there be impreg?

Yes there will, it’s still in early development but theres already a route leading to it in the most recent update. (V.0.5)

have a femboy/trans character?

Yes, there are multiple trans characters!

When will the next update be available to the public? It has taken a long time. Hope you're alright


Hello! It's almost done, still need to finish a few stuff before the release, it will be released on Patreon first, then later publicly. :) Thank you for your support!


I love this game so muuuch! It's super fun and promises a lot, I haven't been able to stop playing it since I downloaded it and I read it in a day or two wtf

I love all the characters so far, especially Kit, Chase, Rojas and best friend forever <3 (if is not a spoiler, he is a RO? I only ask cause he doesn't appear in the character RO summary) but I think my fav for now is Male!Incubus human form, I hope we will see him in the future <3

I have a couple of questions, in the nsfw scenes, will it be possible to choose at some point whether to be top or bottom? I only ask cause I would love to see more tops MC but usually the games here prefer bottom MC : (

I absolutely will buy the game in Steam when it is for sale, do you have more or less any idea of when it could be?


CHYSA has confirmed that August, the best friend, is a romance option! He is not listed on the page, but he is listed on the Steam page as one. Also your taste in characters are great as mine is the same.

In terms of NSFW scenes, all male characters are verse but may lean to specific positions; some are verse/tops or verse/bottoms. So, the MC can be top or bottom, but he may lean towards a position with particular characters.


Thanks for answering!! I didn't realized CHYSA confirmed it, sorry, do you know if it was in Patreon?

PS: lets be honest, all the characters are GREAT, but my gay af ass is obsessed with that characters XDD, I can't wait for more


No worries, the question about August being romanceable is a hot topic, lol. I saw it answered here on! The first time CHYSA 100% confirmed it here was seven months ago in the comments. You can see it if you scroll down!

P.S.: I agree; I am obsessed with all the characters, but August is my ride-or-die.

hi! i have a little question, Irvin is top or bottom? And Kit?


Hi! All male characters are verse, but some of them lean towards a specific position, Irvin is verse/bottom, and Kit is verse/top.

thanks! and the game is 10000/10

Hi! I haven't download the game yet but I'm curious about the domination and submission... when will they be added?


Hey! Some of the submission content has already been added to the game, the domination content is still being introduced, but it will be featured very soon! Also, the page will be updated soon to match the current version's content more accurately.

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There's a bug (or narrative inconsistency) in 0.4 that causes you to tell Jade you agreed to Stella's deal even when you chose to refuse.

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Thank you for letting me know! The bug will be fixed in the next update. :)


Can we Choose to top or bottom ?


Not in the current public version, but I’ve began introducing that in the newest Patreon release!


Ok thx for replying and your hard work on the game👍

any walkthrough?

how do i get the kit final? pls 


kit, my future husband. 😍

This is great game but It won't download i tried so many times it's start downloading but after few minutes shows it failed.Android version 0.3.apk i hope you can fix it and there's one more thing i think it's a bug after the party when Lukas is left behind because of emergency and there's a choice to call for someone you are interested in I msg professor Rojas and when he drop Lukas his home after that there's an error so i hope you can fix it.

Hey! I updated the android version recently to fix the v.0.3 ending bug so it should work properly now! About the download fail, can you describe the issue more to me? It might be caused because of the lack of space on your device. 

I have a similar issue. The download on android stops after 50-60%, even though i have 40gb left of storage.

Thank you for letting me know. The Android version has been reupload and I added an external MEGA download link for the android version, please let me know if you encounter any other issues. Sorry for this inconvenience, have fun playing! 😊

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for reply and fixing the bug I'm going to download this game play it now

keep up the good work I love this game so much and one more time i appreciate it you taking time to reply and listening to complain and fixing them.


I love this very much :3 is August a love interest? can mc romancing him?

Thank you! Yes, he is a love interest :)

Correct me if im wrong (I usually am 😅), but the game page says that the file was updated to v0.3... but the public file that I last downloaded from here (I had to open and check the game itself) says 0.3.5? Am I going crazy? 

Oh, my bad, it's a typo. I was working on the V.0.3.5 at the time of the V.0.3 release, that's why! The version you're playing is indeed the V.0.3

Any plans for swinging/ntr content?

No plans for NTR content at the moment!


Melting over this update. It's so juicy. I am having an issue tho....

This is in the 0.3 public version for Android that I just downloaded today. After choosing to use or not use powers (it happens for both options) on Prof. Rojas, a few sentences down after the decision, I get this and can't continue.

I just got to that error just now at the same spot in the story.

I just loaded a save at the getting a ride branch, chose ms. Raj, and hit exactly the same error soon after choosing whether to use powers.

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Oh, right! My bad. I fixed the issue on the PC and Mac versions of the update, if the same error is showing up on Android, please do let me know!

That line of code is actually for the next update (V.0.3.5, available on Patreon), I forgot to take it off before releasing the public V.0.3 version.

Just so you know, the public version wraps up after the car ride back from the party, so no worries, you didn't miss anything major because of the error. :)

Thank you for the support!


*thinking sad thoughts* *contemplating getting a patreon account to play next version* 


Yeah it is also happening on Android:(

Please solve it, I don't want to miss such a fantastic game!

Hey! The issue has been fixed. Let me know if it's all working properly and if you ever encounter any other bugs!

Yeah, it's working fine now! Just waiting for another update now :) 

Best of luck! For ur future projects!! 

Great! A new update is about to drop soon. Thank you for your support!

When will version 0.3.5 go to tier 1?


Why is v.0.3 not out yet? Isn't v.0.3.5 out on patreon already?I thought v.0.3 would be out in public when v.0.3.5 was out on patreon:(


Hey! The older version becomes available to the public once the newer version is released to TIER1 Patrons, which takes about a week after the initial release for TIER2 Patrons. No need to worry, the version 0.3 will be released publicly in just a few days! 😊


Ohhhh! Okay thank you so much for the clarification. I'm excited for the update(:


is the mc a top bottom or a switch?

MC is a switch


Hi! I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to ask exactly when the next update is coming😊 


Hey Maddie! The next update should be available in a couple of days. 😊


so far i love the gameplay!! would love if in future updates there were some plus sized and ftm characters instead of all of them being average/skinny build and all trans characters(that ive seen at least) being mtf

Hey! Thanks for the feedback, I’m really glad to hear you’re enjoying the game! Some of your requests are included in the V.0.3 update. Additionally, I’m planning to introduce more plus-size characters and FTM characters in future updates. By the way, V.0.3 is already available on my Patreon for TIER1 Patrons, in case you’re interested!


Omg this game is fire especially the boys I'm excited for more . I mean they are all amazing (excited the most for August)

Any updates Soon ?

Thank you! The following update (V.0.3) is already available on my Patreon for Tier 1 Pledgers, and I am currently working on the V.0.3.5 update that is set to be released around the end of the month. :)


l wonder why not on sex chase in game

Hey! Don't worry, there's a ton of new content coming with Chase in future updates :)

Hey I've really been enjoying your game so far! I was just wondering when V.0.025 would be released on

Hey! The V.0.025 update will be released publicly in about a week. 😊

Thank you for playing!

(2 edits) (+2)(-3)

Hrmm... I see a lot of posts about liking the way the gay content is presented, so I guess I'm going to be one of the few complainers.  It isn't that the gay content is bad or anything like that, it's that the straight content is utterly unskippable.  I don't want to stare directly at some chick's vag or boobas, thank you very much.  I don't care how much gay content there is if I have to cross that particular wall in order to get to it, and those walls are constantly cropping up.

I often see those warnings about a game 'containing skippable gay content' and I think that's part of the issue; they take str8 as the given, and so unskippable str8 content is the solution, not the problem.  Well, its a problem for me, and the solution is to delete the game.


Hey! Thanks for your feedback. I get your concerns about female nudity feeling "forced" on players, and I've begun addressing this. In the latest game update (V.0.3), I've introduced a censor option for Sally’s sprite, allowing you to conceal her nudity if you choose. Also, in the night alley scene, you now have the option to hide either the male or female character to fit your route. I'm aware that more scenes need similar censoring options, and I'm working on adding them gradually. 😊


I just finished the demo for this game and I loved it I also love that the gay content isnt sidelined like a lot of games in the same style and that you can do gay , Bi , straight's route only it's really nice to not be forced into any unwanted sex scene I applaud you for that ! Thank You I will keep an eye on this game <3

Also as a french I'm happy to see that there's a french translation planned ^^ 


Thank you for the positive feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the game. If everything goes as planned, the French translation will be included in the next couple of updates!😊


You're welcome ! I cannot wait for the full game to be released ! 

Oh Awesome I cannot wait for it I don't mind playing in english but there's definitely some words I don't understand 


Hi, the game (gay) content is fantastic. Will August also be a romantic character? Keep it up! ;-)


Hi! Thanks :) I’m glad to know you’re enjoying the game. Yes August is a romanceable character! 


Hi! Hope you're doing well.When will V.0.02 be released to the public(

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Hi! I just released the V0.025 a few minutes ago for my TIER2 Patrons, so the V0.02 will be released in a couple of days to the public. I'm doing great, thanks for asking :)


Hi Chysa, I love everything about the game from the aesthetics, story and characters. Please continue with the constant updates as much as you can and keep making us happy and see where Lukas is going to end up.♥ ♥ ♥ 

If you allow me, I would like to ask you some questions.

I saw that you responded to another user that the game, at least for a time, will allow us to have as many relationships as we want. Do you think you could add some cheating content or something like that? My other question is whether there will be extracurricular activities such as some club or student council. (I would love to see something like the last) thank you very much for the game and a big greeting♥ ♥ ♥ 

(Sorry if you don't understand something, English is not my native language.)


Hi Stella! Thank you for your support! It means a lot! For now, there is no cheating (or NTR) planned for the game. If I do decide to release a cheating update it would be in a separate patch, but as of now it isn’t planned for the next few updates.

And yes, I will extend MC’s activities progressively throughout the updates, so there will indeed be a few extracurricular activities after the V.0.03 update.

your English is great! I appreciate your excitement and support over the project. I hope you will enjoy the future updates. 😊


this game rocks. what girls are gonna be in .25?

Thank you! I'm currently working on the 0.025 update so I can't tell you precisely, but most of them will be in the update!

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I'm actually really in love with this game. Love the art style. Love the music. Loving the characters(specially the male ones hehe). Its kinda hard to get me interested in a game with just first impression(I have to actually play most games to get interested in them) but the moment i saw your game i was intrigued so good job. I do have some questions tho... How many love interests will there be in total(and would there be equal amounts of male and female Li) ? When is the next update coming?(im sorry im just excited).aside from mtf trans characters will there be any ftm trans(trans men) characters? And lastly when do you think the game is going to be finished? 

You dont have to answer all of this(or any of it if you dont want to) . I just love this game already and just want to show my excitement and appreciation for the game.can't wait for more:)


Hey Maddie! Thanks for your kind words, and I'm really happy you enjoyed the game! :)

Right now, I can't say for sure how many Love Interests there will be, but most of the main cast of LIs are already in, and there'll be some new ones added in future updates.

I'm working hard to release V0.025 as quickly as possible, usually taking about 2 to 3 weeks for a new update. The latest update (V0.02) is already available on Patreon for TIER1 supporters as of today!

When it comes to FtM Love Interests, I've been thinking about it, and I'd like to introduce a few in upcoming updates, though it might take a bit before they're in the game.

My goal is to finish the game in the next 6 months to a year, assuming I can maintain the current update schedule.

Feedback and support mean a lot to me, and I'm always open to hearing your thoughts and ratings as the game continues to evolve. Thanks for your excitement and appreciation! 😊

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Hiii! I would actually love to support you on patreon but I dont really have much money so i can't do that but I'll definitely try to support the game any other way i can. By the way will you make a tweeter(oop i mean X😶🤫) account for updates and sneak peaks and stuff? 

I also hope there will be more male Lis because if you don't include sylas and August there are only 5 male Lis and there are 8 female Lis. So i hope in the future it becomes more even(i also hope there'll be more bi male Lis) . I have one last question (hope I'm not being annoying) will all the guys be versatile or will some of them be top or bottom only

Oh and before i leave i wanna say i love drama between characters (for example the drama between the twins and jade) so i hope we'll get more character interactions like that.I want all the characters to interact with each other because it would show their personalities more and they wont just be interacting with lukas we'll also get to see how they are like with other people compared to  lukas:) 

Hey!!! Yeah, I totally understand! Any form of support is welcomed!

I do have a Twitter account, @chysa_art is my art account, And here's my other account for the game only @SeductShadowsVN (I need to be more active there...).

Without revealing too much, there will be more characters, both male and female additions in the future, and you will see more of August in the next couple of updates! All of the male LIs are versatile so far.

Glad you're loving the drama! There will definitely be more interactions between the characters. :D


Really loved your game. Characters are very endearing, both art and writing. As each one appears you're "Ooooh, that's one got a lot of potential! No, that one will be my favrourite! No, that one!"

Actually, will you be able to maintain multiple realationships or flings? 'Cause picking one RO now would be a torture(

Also, will our character have some... abilities, like his new "friend" showed to him?

Thanks for your kind words! I'm glad you liked the game! 😊

Right now, I'm keeping things open, letting players have multiple relationships to get to know the characters better. But things might change as I get closer to finishing the project.

And yes, the MC will learn some abilities from his new friends and from other sources throughout the updates! 👀


interesting game with good characters,I congratulate you for your work and I encourage you to continue for more. 

the question I leave is whether the game will tend to be linear or will there be multiple endings?

Thank you! Happy to know you enjoyed the game :) Yes, there will be multiple endings.


What a lovely game, I'm certainly excited for more to come out. I loved the male LIs currently in and excited to get to see more of the others (especially August, who is not listed as an LI currently, but I hope that doesn't mean he's not one). 

Thank you! Happy to know you enjoyed the game! You will be seeing more of August soon in the future updates. :)


I loved the plot and the characters. I hope you continue with the good work and others see this gem among so many games.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the game :) I am indeed working on a new update! And the first part of this update will come out in a few days!


Pretty good so far! Looking forward for the next update

Thank you!

Show post...

So looking at the patreon this is primarily a gay game? "[Warning: Image1 has female nudity | Images 2 has TransFem/Futa nudity | Image 3 has male nudity]"

Only 1 female image, and the first release doesnt have a sex scene with the MC? As well as only 1 female but 2 males. Not a great start, should at least bump that female number up by 1, if not more.

(1 edit) (+11)

Hey! This game has both Female and Male Romanceable Characters, In the current version there are 3 Female Love Interests (all of them have NSFW CGs!) and 2 Male Love Interests (Kit and Irvin).

Jade has 2 CGs, Cassie has 2 as well (trans) and you also have another NSFW encounter while visiting the city!

Make sure to play the pizza night game right to unlock the shower scene's CGs!

The next release will indeed introduce more female Love Interests (and Male ones as well!)

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